Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WORK. 10 hours of work. 118 crates carefully stuffed full of cinnamon cones (unpacked from 354 individual pinecone boxes). 576 boxes of beautifully scented perfume sachets repackaged into 18 huge crates (the smell was a big improvement on cinnamon). Finally, we restacked approximately 300 crates in preparation for tomorrow, which is Delivery Day, when a Semi packed full of perfumed products imported from the U.S. delivers more perfumed products than you ever imagined existed. Or needed to exist.

Our English family/employers (especially Ben) are in a pretty severe state of shock at our work ethic/hours. I would take credit for our incredible determination, tenacity, and teamwork, but in fact most of the credit for these attributes has to be given to Tom Stubbs, who has trained us well to work long hours for no apparent purpose with zero silver lining and no end in sight. I guess we do have Something to thank him for.

Anyhow, besides a delicious dinner and a wonderful chat with Maddie Jensen (who is great, by the way), this day was mostly work. In the next few days we hope to venture out from White House Farm a bit more. It was interesting, as we worked hard today, thinking about where we might have been now: college, probably. Now don't get me wrong, we Are truly working hard, and it is not going to get easier as the days drag on. And yet, the toil, the burn of muscles constantly strained for multiple hours, the mindlessness of a repeated task like, say packing cinnamon cones, and the dramatically increased appreciation for relaxation, food, sleep, and the occaisional cold beer, all these factors together make me relish where I am right now and what I am doing. Sure, when, someday, I have some sort of college degree it is unlikely that I will aspire to working in a warehouse, but who can say? For now at least, this beats sitting in a stifling classroom feeling trapped and watching the clock tick. Don't get me wrong, I know we have been working but a short time yet, and our friends in college are certainly having their share of trial and triumph, and yet for me, a privileged, well-educated, somewhat (haha "somewhat")sheltered kid right out of high school, a little toil is exactly what I hunger for. Well, that and the delicious fromage awaiting us across the channel, where, someday soon, we hope to venture.

For now, we will go to sleep, tired and satisfied, to dream dreams of all our beloved friends and families in various foreign lands (cheifly California but also Florida, Massachussetts, New York, France, and many places besides). Good night.

1 comment:

  1. AHH good post! This made me feel really good to read as I was just contemplating that exact idea today, workworkwork, but would school be any better? Vous me manque beaucoup! And casey (and maybe percy je ne sais pas), on a completely seperate side note... i saw shrek 4 on the plane and I finally understand why you guys always say "do the roar" and "i love you dad" all the time. i think i thought you guys made that up? Anyway YA!
